Cried all night till there was nothin' more
What use am I as a heap on the floor?
Heaving devotion but it's just no good
Takin' it hard just like you knew I would
Oh, oh, old habits die hard
When you got, when you got a sentimental heart
Piece of the puzzle
And you're my missing part
Oh, what can you do with a sentimental heart?
Oh, what can you do with a sentimental heart?
Cried all night till there was nothin' more
What use am I as a heap on the floor?
Heaving devotion but it's just no good
Takin' it hard just like you knew I would
[repeat CHORUS]
What can you do with a sentimental heart?
la, [who-o-o-o-ooo]
la, [who-o-o-o-ooo]
la, [who-o-o-o-ooo]
la, [who-o-o-o-ooo]
i've got a sentimental heart.
why else would i write this damn blog?
and, sentimental heart or not, old habits
definitely die hard... if ever.
i could bore with you my endless list
of bad habits, unforgettable moments, and
undeniable feelings that seem to torment me
way past their expiriation date, but i'd
rather just leave with this track and let
zooey deschanel and m. ward do the talking.
music making.
can you say break up mix cd?
because i know this belongs on it.
would go well with this freelurved
track by rose melberg.
oh, and something uplifting.
while sentimental hearts make freelurving
even harder than it otherwise would be...
i'm not giving up, i'll remain a romantic,
continue giving my heart to others,
and keep my finger's crossed that it will
be returned one day. i can only wish
the same optimism for the rest of you.
she and him's (super cute) website
download "sentimental heart"
i've got a sentimental heart.
why else would i write this damn blog?
and, sentimental heart or not, old habits
definitely die hard... if ever.
i could bore with you my endless list
of bad habits, unforgettable moments, and
undeniable feelings that seem to torment me
way past their expiriation date, but i'd
rather just leave with this track and let
zooey deschanel and m. ward do the talking.
music making.
can you say break up mix cd?
because i know this belongs on it.
would go well with this freelurved
track by rose melberg.
oh, and something uplifting.
while sentimental hearts make freelurving
even harder than it otherwise would be...
i'm not giving up, i'll remain a romantic,
continue giving my heart to others,
and keep my finger's crossed that it will
be returned one day. i can only wish
the same optimism for the rest of you.
she and him's (super cute) website
download "sentimental heart"
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